Revues internationales
S. Chebotarev, D. Efimov, T. Raïssi, A. Zolghadri, Interval Observers for Continuous-Time LPV Systems with L1/L∞ performance, Automatica, 57(7), 2015.
R.H. Thabet, T. Raïssi, C. Combastel, D. Efimov, A. Zolghadri, An effective method to interval observer design for time-varying systems, Automatica, 50(10), 2677-2684, 2014
H. Rios, D. Efimov, J. Davila, T. Raïssi, L. Fridman, and A. Zolghadri, Robust State Estimation and Fault Detection and Identification for Linear Switched Systems, International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 28(12), 1372-1397, 2014.
D. Efimov, T. Raïssi, A. Zolghadri, Set Adaptive Observers for LPV Systems: Application to Fault Detection, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 136(2), 2013.
D. Efimov, W. Perruquetti, T. Raïssi, A. Zolghadri, On Interval Observers for Time-Varying DiscreteTime Systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 58(12), Pages 3218 - 3224, 2013.
D. Efimov, T. Raïssi, A. Zolghadri, Control of nonlinear and LPV systems: interval observer-based framework, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 58(3), 2013. (Impact factor 2010: 1.952).
D. Efimov, T. Raïssi, Stanislav Chebotarev, A. Zolghadri, Interval State Observer for Nonlinear Time Varying Systems, Automatica, 49(1), Pages 200-205, 2013.
S. Ramatou, T. Raïssi, A. Zolghadri, D. Efimov, Actuator fault detection and diagnosis for flat systems: A constraint satisfaction technique, International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Computer Science, 23(1), 2013. (Impact factor 2010: 0.794).
D. Efimov, L. Fridman, T. Raïssi, R. Seydou, A. Zolghadri, Interval Estimation for LPV Systems Applying High Order Sliding Mode Techniques, Automatica, 48(9), 2365-2371, 2012.
D. Efimov, T. Raïssi, A. Zolghadri, Stabilisation robuste d’une classe de systèmes non linéaires incertains, Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés, 46(4-5), 335-348, 2012.
T. Raïssi, D. Efimov, A. Zolghadri, Interval state estimation for a class of nonlinear systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 57(1), 260-265, 2012. (Impact factor 2010: 1.952).
F. Khemane, R. Malti, T. Raïssi, and X. Moreau, Robust estimation of fractional models in the frequency domain using set membership methods, Signal Processing, 92(7), 1591-1601, 2012.
D. Efimov, A. Zolghadri, T. Raïssi, Actuators Fault Detection and Compensation under Feedback Control, Automatica, 47(8): 1699-1705, 2011. (Impact factor 2010: 2.172)
T. Raïssi, Reliable amplitude and frequency estimation for biased and noisy signals, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 16(11): 4153-4157, 2011. (Impact factor 2010: 2.698).
T. Raïssi, G. Videau, A. Zolghadri, Interval observers design for consistency checks of nonlinear continuous-time systems, Automatica, 46(3): 518-527, 2010. (Impact factor 2010: 2.172)
R. Malti, T. Raïssi, M. Thomassin, F. Khemane, Set membership parameter estimation of fractional models based on bounded frequency domain data, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 15(4), 927-938, 2010. (Impact factor 2010: 2.698).
T. Raïssi, N. Ramdani, Y. Candau, Set membership parameter estimation in the frequency domain, International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, 7(5), 2009. (Impact factor 2010: 0.853).
Y. Candau, T. Raïssi, N. Ramdani, L. Ibos, Complex interval arithmetic using polar form, Reliable Computing, 12(1) : 1-20, 2006. (Impact factor 2009: 0.68).
T. Raïssi, N. Ramdani, Y. Candau, Bounded error moving horizon state estimator for non-linear continuous-time systems: application to a bioprocess system, Journal of Process Control, 12(5) : 537- 545, 2005. (Impact factor 2010: 1.655)
T. Raïssi, L. Ibos, N. Ramdani, Y. Candau, Analyse de spectres de relaxation diélectrique par inversion ensembliste: une première approche, Revue Internationale de Génie Electrique, Numéro spécial, 8(1): 97-117, 2005.
T. Raïssi, N. Ramdani, Y. Candau, Set membership state and parameter estimation for systems described by non-linear differential equations, Automatica, 40(10): 1771-1777, 2004. (Impact factor 2010: 2.172).
Chapitre d’ouvrage collectif
- D. Efimov, T. Raïssi, A. Zolghadri, Robust State and Parameter Estimation for Nonlinear ContinuousTime Systems in a Set-Membership Context, Modeling, Design, and Simulation of Systems with Uncertainties, Springer, 2011.